There's this popular norm, we should always write only what we know. If we do not want to make a fool of ourselves in front of everyone. All these critics will be ready to pounce on you and find whatever fault there is in your work. But I'd say screw you! Our country gave us Freedom of Speech and Expression, so I'm going to use it to my advantage.
I might not know a lot of things, I might not even know how proper sentences are framed. Sentences which make those perfect little paragraphs in those outstanding stories that everyone will give an ovation. But I do know for sure that I write what I feel, be it strong emotions or random muses or just to let out my pent up pms-ing mood swings! For the
latter case, I'd suggest you DO NOT test my patience. Teehee!
I have a lot to say but sometimes I'm not too sure if I have the right audience. People believe what they want to believe and hear what they want to hear. So what I say might sound musical and sweet to some, to others just some random rant of a loon and then there are those who don't even care. I know I know, I seem to be contradicting myself with my declaration above. But these are unavoidable debates as we live in a society comprising of different kinds of people. How they recieve you and your thoughts are important too, if you do not want to spark off a conflict.
I had been having trouble writing down my thoughts for quite some time now. I'd have these brilliant awesome ideas and brain waves which seem impossible to trace back after the minutest of seconds! And hence my lack of blog updates and the pages remaining blank in my journal.
2012 had been a really bad year. I do not want to go into the details of it, but yeah, it was pretty bad. Emotionally, physically, mentally straining and stressing out. This was one of the reasons why I had stopped feeling. Once you are torn up, you will never be the same again. All the things, the teeny weeny things that used to excite me had lost its glamour.
Since the lack of excitement and enthusiasm had left a gap in me, I could not quite fill it up. I always did by writing about it. But all it left me was a void. And it started growing into me like a tumorous cancer.
Come 2013, I decided that this will not be the end of me. Why should I let my past dealings affect the future that is yet to be made? So the year started off, not with a bang, slowly picking up little pieces, one at a time. And I believe that one day I shall have all of it in my hand and restore it to how it was before. Scars? Pfft! These scars prove I am a war hero. A survivor.
Only when you learn to deal with your problems and accept the outcomes of your doings, you will learn to solve your problems. Do not push them aside and procrastinate them for

tomorrow. Solve it now, because when it weighs you down, you're gonna have a bad time.
And yeah do not let yourself down when you make a mistake, it's a part of learning. Nobody was born a genius.
Believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts you.
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